Color lithograph, Arches France Invinity heavyweight veline paper, dimensions; 32 x 31 in light passe-partout, 50 x 44 cm in framed passe-partout, limited edition, numbered in pencil 46/500, signed under the composition facsimile signature "Vasarely" p.d.; publisher 's drystamp: S.P.A.D.E.M. PARIS l.d.; hologram "verification of authenticity" on the back . Original certificate.
Victor Vasarely - artist of Hungarian origin who created and worked in France until his death. One ofthe leadingrepresentatives of geometric abstraction.Considereda precursor and representative of the op-art movement.Hecreated by composingarrangements,usinggeometricshapes(the most characteristicarecube-shaped compositions).Hecreated theillusion of spatialdepth on two-dimensional surfaces,usingonly abstract color patches. Originally, his works were dominated by black and white colors, which he greatly diversified in hislaterwork.
From 1955, he created series of "optical-kinetic" paintings that givethe impression of pulsating, waving, spinning or flickering. Since 1960, the artistdevelopedtheconcept of a visual alphabetentitled "Planetary Folklore"in theoretical manifestos.
"Vega-Tek" ispart of the "Vega" series,which explores themes of deformation,sphericityand space in thecontext of op-art. The painting is characterized by precise geometry, in which Vasarelyusesrepeatedpatternsandshapestocreate theillusion of movement andthree-dimensionality.A key element in "Vega-Tek" is the contrast between colors, which heightenthe impression ofdepth and space. Vasarelyoftenused bright colors juxtaposed with dark ones, whichcreatesa pulsating and dynamic effect. The painting uses optical illusions that makea flatsurfaceappeartohavethree-dimensionalshapesand structures. The viewer's eye isdrawn into avisualgame where the painting's surface seemstoripple anddeform.
The work reflects Vasarely's fascination with the mathematical and scientific principles he used to create his compositions. Patterns and symmetry arethought out withmathematicalprecision.
"Vega-Tek" is an excellent example of Victor Vasarely's genius for op-art. Hisability to create complex, dynamicimagesthatevoke strong visual responses hasmadehim one of the mostinfluentialartists of the 20th century.Thiswork, with itspulsatingforms and illusions of space,invites reflection on thenatureof perception and the waywe experience art andreality.